How to Treat Blackheads


Blackheads, or open comedones look like black bumps or plugs and are caused by excess skin oil that accumulates in the sebaceous glands’ ducts. Sebum (secretion of the sebaceous glands) and keratin (specific substance found in the dead outer skin tissue) are collected in pores and oxidized (that’s why they look blackish in color). However, when you extract the blackhead it can appear to be yellow or brown.

It’s much easier to prevent blackheads than to treat them. Here are some tips:
  • Keep your skin clean and breathing. Wash your face regularly with a gentle exfoliating  scrub that contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid does wonders in preventing and getting rid of blackheads, acne and pimples.
  • Don’t be overzealous with your make-up, especially if you can see the first signs of skin’s problem!
  • Use products specifically for oily skin. Remember, excess oil is the cause of blackheads! Improper products will clog pores and only contribute to blackheads.
  • Wash your face with a good organic acne cleanser twice a day.
  • Make a habit of applying an oil-absorbing clay facial mask once a week. It is very effective as it penetrates into pores, absorbs excess skin oil and unclogs pores.
  • Launder your pillowcase at least once every week.
Do you already suffer from blackheads?  Try the following……
  1. Do not squeeze!!
  2. Wash your face with a good acne cleanser and scrub it properly.
  3. Make a warm water compress to the area affected with blackheads for 15-20 minutes to open the pores. You can also fill a container with hot water and lean over it for the same time (15 minutes). The steam will open your pores.
  4. Dry your face with a clean fresh towel. Now when your skin is dry and pores open, the blackheads are closer to the surface of your skin. This is the best time to apply an oil absorbing facial mask.
  5. Take some green clay and add rose water. Mix the substance until smooth and apply onto your nose. The mask provides a stunning effect in removing blackheads as well as unclogging the pores. Leave the mask until it is firm to the touch, and then wash it off with warm water. You can also try a honey mask- just warm some honey, apply it on your nose for ten minutes or so and then wash it off.
  6. Once your skin is clean and breathing,  and your pores are open, use a specially formulated blackhead cleanser on your face to get rid of extra blackheads.
  7. Wash your face with cold water to close the pores. Apply a quality oil-free non-comedogenic moisturizer.

Come by the spa and check out our organic products and treatments to help you address all your complexion concerns.  We offer complimentary consultations to determine the best treatments for you!


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