Benefits of Organic Rose Hip Oil for Your Skin


Rose Hip (Flowering)

Rose Hip (Flowering) (Photo credit: Brian Digital)


10 Key Benefits Of Rosehip Oil:

  1. Helps to prevent or improve fine lines & wrinkles: due to its high fatty acid and antioxidant content, rosehip oil works wonders in improving the condition of the skin, especially skin that has been exposed to excessive sunlight.
  2. Effective moisturizer for dry skin: it is very helpful when used on any dry skin condition such as eczema, dermatitis or psoriasis.  The oil penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin to lock in moisture.
  3. Proven to reduce & improve scars: due to the complex mixture of ingredients and its ability to regenerate skin cells producing more collagen, rosehip oil can make a dramatic improvement to scar tissue, after just a few weeks of use.
  4. Can also help burns: a scientific study found that rosehip oil was extremely effective in reducing redness and helped to improve colour and  tone.
  5. Can reverse effects of photo ageing: a study of the benefits of rosehip oil was conducted on women who had spent considerable time in the sun and had various signs of photo ageing such as hyper-pigmentation and sun spots. They applied rosehip oil daily for four months and improvements were noted as early as week 3.  By the end of the study, most of the sun spots had vanished, their wrinkles were smoothed out and their skin was glowing.
  6. Helps to prevent/reduce stretch marks:  rosehip oil is safe to be used during pregnancy and after birth.  It has the ability to firm the skin and help it to regain its elasticity, as well as fading external scarring.
  7. Safe to be used on babies & children: another great benefit of rosehip oil is that it can be used on all the family.  It is safe to be used on the sensitive skin of babies to help with cradle cap and eczema.  It is also excellent to help children’s chickenpox scars fade quickly.
  8. Gives skin a natural glow: it helps to restore even skin tone, smoothes out wrinkles and fine lines, diminishes scars and gives skin a healthy glow!
  9. Balances out oily/combination skin: rosehip oil is a dry oil, which means that it is quickly and easily absorbed into the skin and can help to prevent breakouts.
  10. Evens out skin tone, minimizes pores and blemishes:  another wonderful benefits of rosehip oil is that it delivers a better, more even complexion.  It minimizes the size of pores and helps blemishes to fade and disappear quickly.
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Repair (and Even Reverse) Signs of Sun Damage



Are you concerned about wrinkles, brown spots, and leathery skin? Following some simple guidelines from The Skin Cancer Foundation can help you repair and possibly even reverse these signs of skin aging, up to 90 percent of which are caused by the sun.

Overexposure to the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet (UV) light can also lead to skin cancer and precancers like actinic keratoses (AKs). Since sun damage accumulates over time, it’s never too late to start a sun protection regimen.

Although most people know enough to wear sunscreen when the sun is beating down, “Protecting your skin from the sun does not end with the summer months,” says Deborah S. Sarnoff, MD, a New York City dermatologist and educational spokesperson for The Skin Cancer Foundation. “By carefully practicing sun protection year-round, you can prevent further sun damage and may even reverse some of the damage already done.”

To help stop or even reverse sun damage to the skin:
Use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Sunscreen is one of the keys to radiant, youthful-looking skin. Daily use may even lower your long-term risk of skin cancer. By reducing your daily sun exposure, sunscreen allows your skin time to heal and your immune system the chance to repair some existing damage.

Exfoliate. The buildup of stratum corneum (the dead, outermost skin cell layer) can make skin appear blotchy and uneven. Also, remnants of self-tanning products can collect in typically dry areas (such as the elbows), causing the skin to lose its luster and appear “dirty.” Loofahs, scrubs, alpha hydroxy acid (AHA)* cleansers, and home microdermabrasion kits (in which tiny crystals are sprayed on the skin) can remove dead skin cells, leaving skin looking smoother.

Bleach the brown spots. Skin lightener does not actually make the skin white; it simply helps to lighten accumulations of unwanted color. Dr. Sarnoff recommends using an over-the-counter product that contains kojic acid in combination with hydroquinone, Retin-A*, and a mild steroid cream, which is useful for stubborn brown spots and blotchy brown discoloration.

Hydrate. Summer exposure to sun, chlorine, and salt water can dry out your skin – even the heels of your feet can be affected. Try a hand and body cream, and, for the heels, a moisturizing foot cream. A moisturizer with AHA or facial serum with hyaluronic acid can plump up dry skin around the eyes, making skin instantly appear less wrinkled. Continued use may help stimulate the production of new collagen, a protein that helps give skin its texture and appearance.

Try a light-emitting diode (LED). Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are electronic light sources, and some home units are available. Dr. Sarnoff recommends a low energy LED called the Tanda, which can help promote collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and improve acne.

Visit a dermatologist. Professional laser treatments can improve everything from blotchiness and discoloration to wrinkles. Photodynamic therapy – laser or intense pulsed light (IPL) in combination with a topical solution known as Levulan (aminolevulinic acid) – can remove scaly patches of actinic keratoses from your skin.

* These products can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Use with caution! For more information about sun sensitivity, please see this article.

Skin Care by Donna: An Organic Skin Spa
“Devoted to helping you look and feel beautiful!”

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What is a CC Cream?

We have all heard of BB creams by now, those “beauty balms” that help us multi-task our way to flawless skin. Now we are being introduced to a newer product … the CC cream. As CC creams begin to hit the market many wonder what’s the difference.
How are the CC’s different from BB’s?
CC creams do everything BB creams do… (hydrate, moisture, prime, illuminate, and protect from the sun & the environment. And, because most BB creams are lightly tinted they also help color correct or even-out the look of the skin tone (think tinted moisturizer). The difference with CC’s creams, are more corrective – that is, they offer more coverage (i.e. more pigment) to even out the skin tone, brighten the face and reduce visible signs of aging on the skin surface (i.e. on top of the skin)…so more like a foundation but lightweight and typically oil-free.

Source: Paula Begoun

Closeup of young beautiful woman with perfect skin applying lotion. Spa

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Biodynamic Beauty

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Biodynamic Skincare

We all know that products labeled ‘organic’ mean that potentially aging, harmful and toxic insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers have not been included. But what do you know about Biodynamic? It might be new to you, but the practice of Biodynamic® farming and the inclusion of these natural ingredients in skin care is actually the oldest consciously organic approach to farming and gardening and one of the most sustainable in existence.

In its simplest definition, Biodynamic means working with the forces that create and maintain life, and it comes from two Greek words meaning life and dynamic forces. First introduced in a series of lectures by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), it takes a holistic view and works toward the health of the whole property and regards the farm, plants and animals as a self-supporting ecosystem that lives and breathes.

With Biodynamics, seeds are planted following the lunar cycle, so that when the tides are high, roots receive the most moisture and crops receive the most nutrients. The planting cycle includes rotating crops, so nutrients have the opportunity to return to the earth so that each seed planted in the soil will benefit from the healthiest start.

A percentage of these seeds are then held back to feed future crops and to be used as seeds for the next harvest. These crops are then nurtured with natural medicinal herbs and mineral composts to enhance the soil, igniting the growth of the plants and infusing ingredients with natural nutrition instead of harmful chemicals.

Modern agriculture robs the land of nutrients and often results in genetically modified ingredients, but choosing organic and Biodynamic ingredients ensures there are no chemicals added. Each and every Biodynamic crop is monitored by certifying agencies before inclusion in products, which are then tested and verified before they make their way to shelves and, ultimately, to you. Strict guidelines are in place to ensure only ingredients that follow Steiner’s practice can be called Biodynamic to guarantee their potency and efficacy.

The disciplined practice of Biodynamic farming renders fruits and herbs unusually high in nutrients and active compounds. We can harness these potent ingredients into skin care products that are the ultimate in pureness and results-driven skin care, and companies like Jurlique and Eminence Organic Skin Care have done just that with dedicated Biodynamic Collections.

Mother Nature has given us the tools to create something special; skin looks and feels better when using organic products because ingredients that are active and effective really do make a difference…and not just for your skin.


Only the purest, natural and biodynamic, organic ingredients go into Calendula & Oat lotion. NO synthetic ingredients, NO GMO, NO phthalates, NO Nano, NO acrylates, NO propylene glycol, NO mineral oils, NO DEA; and, NO propriety or trademarked ingredients are used! Ever. All Neal’s Yard Remedies are designed, tested and made at the Neal’s Yard Remedies headquarters in Peacemarsh, Dorse
Find it here


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Lighten Dark Spots Naturally

Home remedies for age spots are not overnight successes, and if patience is not a virtue possessed then it may be best to visit your dermatologist for medical treatments.  Home remedies can take from six to eight weeks before results are noticeable.


dark spots

The simplest is applying a lemon slice directly on the spots you want lightened. Apply up to two times every day. Leave in place for five minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
A mixture of 1 tsp. each of orange and lime juice with 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar can be applied and rinsed the same way.
Citrus applications can dry and irritate your skin after prolonged use. It recommends a quality skin lotion after each rinse.
 Another common food equaling a lemon’s acidity is the red onion. One slice of red onion, rubbed into the skin daily is also touted with natural bleaching abilities for the skin.
Natural Vitamin E consists of several compounds which include alpha, beta, delta, and gamma tocopherol. However, the most important ingredient is alpha-tocopherol due to its antioxidant properties. Alpha-tocopherol had been shown to reduce significantly the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, freckles and dark spots on the skin.


 It is a natural whitening ingredient that can brighten skin effectively by reducing melanin up to 40% without any harmful side effect. Clinical trials have shown that Extrapone nutgrass is effective in reducing freckles and dark spots due to its ability to inhibit the formation of the skin pigment melanin.
Shea butter, if applied in its natural form, on the affected skin area, can be very effective.  In addition to aiding in dark spot removal, shea butter also helps moisturize and hydrate the skin, rejuvenating and refreshing it.  ‘
Buttermilk contains a natural bleach that will gradually fade the dark spots on your skin. Buttermilk helps your skin cells regenerate at a faster rate, helping replace the damaged cells in your dark spots and fading their color. Buy buttermilk at the grocery store, soak a cotton ball in the liquid and rub it on your dark spots. Hold the cotton ball on the dark spots for 10 minutes.
Try glycolic facials, which are offered by many spas and salons.  These facials help remove ark spots as glycolic acid is the main component used in these facials.  Glycolic acid helps in removing dead cells and the upper layer of the skin, thereby aiding in dark spot removal.  
Dermatologists often recommend applying a retinoid or retinol directly on age spots. A prescriptive retinoid is more effective and provides a faster result that the OTC retinol. The spots should diminish or even disappear in a few months.
An important drawback is that it also makes skin more susceptible to damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which could make your age spots or scars darker. You must stay out of the sun while using lotions formulated with this ingredient to experience optimal fading of skin blemishes.
A natural remedy based on traditional Chinese herb lore is homemade ginsing and gotu kola cream. Mix 1/8 tsp. powdered ginseng root with 1/8 tsp. gotu kola. Moisten the blend with ginseng tea to form a paste. Apply directly on your pigmented spots, then rinse with cool water after 10 to 15 minutes. Use this preparation twice a day. Repeat until you see the degree of lightening you want.
Although home remedies are considered safe, there are side effects to be wary of as with any treatment. Natural acids from onion and lemon are completely safe for ingestion and topical application however when used for extended periods of time and in excess, skin burns can occur. Other factors to consider are over bleaching of your skin. This could leave age spots whiter than your other skin once treatment is complete.
You may prefer organic products formulated to diminsh dark spots naturally:
Contains 30% Rose Hip Seed Oil which is a natural retinol.
Organic Skin Brighteners

When life gives you lemons….Make skincare

61726_536479783049889_2104140934_nLemon is an amazing fruit. It is good for you on the inside and out. I had no idea that lemon could do so many great things to make my skin look and feel better. Check out these 8 ways lemon is truly a miracle fruit.

Fade age spots – Just apply straight lemon to the areas before bed and wash off in the morning with cool water. After a week or two, the lemon will have cleansed the skin and lighten the color. If you want an all over body treatment, just add 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice to your bath and soak for 20 minutes.

For brighter, softer skin use fresh lemon juice on any area of your body, including the knees, elbows, and face to brighten up and soften your skin.

Get Rid of Blackheads If you rub lemon juice on the area with your blackheads, it should make them disappear. Do this every night and rinse with cool water in the morning until blackheads are gone.

Make a moisturizing mask for dry skin by mixing equal amounts of honey, lemon and olive oil. Apply the mixture to dry areas on the skin and allow it to dry thoroughly for about 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

As a toner for oily skin, combine 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons vodka, 1 tablespoon distilled water, and 1 teaspoon witch hazel. Apply with cotton balls and rinse with cool water. If you store in the refrigerator, it should last up to a week.

To exfoliate dead skin cells rub a cut lemon dipped into a half-teaspoon of sugar over your face for a few minutes, or create a mild mixture by using lemon juice, sugar and a small amount of water. Do this once a week to help remove dead skin cells and refresh your skin.

To make a lemon anti-wrinkle mask mix a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of lemon juice and a drop of sweet almond oil. Apply this mixture on the face and allow it to dry for 20 minutes and wash off.If your skin is sensitive to the citric acid in lemons, you can dilute the juice with some water. Using a cotton ball to apply is the best way. Try not to use lemon juice on your skin before any sun exposure since it will make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

Source: Perfect Skin Magazine

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What is Sonophoresis?



Get fast results, with Sonophoresis treatments!

Sonophoresis is a process that rapidly increases the absorption of topical compounds ~ driving them deep into the layers of the skin to target early signs of aging, dehydration, acne, photo damage, pigmentation and poor skin texture.

Sonophoresis stimulates the tissues of the skin, producing micro-capillary circulation created by sound waves up to 28,000 cycles per second, ensuring optimal delivery of moisture and nutrients. Sonophoresis can increase absorption up to 1000 times!

This treatment is comfortable and painless. Clients do not feel the sound wave vibrations.
Skin Care by Donna offers Sonophoresis / Ultrasound Product Infusion with the use of Vitamin C, Customized Topical Serums and moisturizers.

*A professional skincare consultation is required prior to this treatment.
We offers FREE consultations. Call us at 352-678-6043 or message us here!Ultrasonic-Facial-Treatment

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Acid Mantle? What is an Acid Mantle?

acid mantle


Have you ever heard of an Acid Mantle?

Yes! You have one… and caring for it is critical for maintaining healthy, beautiful skin.

The Acid Mantle is a very thin layer, a barrier that lies on the surface of the skin. This acidic barrier is a mixture of sweat, sebum, oils and salt which is excreted naturally by our skin. The acid mantle naturally protects the skin by killing bacteria before it can get inside the skin. It also helps the skin hydrate and maintain it’s moisture.

The acidity of the acid mantle is measured by its pH. pH is measured on a scale of 1 to 14. Healthy skin usually has a pH between 4 and 5.5. Skin pH can vary in different parts of the body.

It is very important not to strip the skin with harsh alkaline soaps / cleansers. Doing this will allow for bacteria to enter the skin ~ disturbing the acid mantle leads to skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, rosacea and acne.

Your dermatologist, Esthetician or even your local pharmacy can recommend skin care products that are pH balanced. At-home PH testing kits are also available.

Balance=Healthy, beautiful skin!



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6 Easy New Year’s Resolutions for Your Skin


1.  Never skip your skin routine at night.  It is critical to remove all traces of dirt, debris and makeup each night.  Look for a cleanser that also removes your makeup.

2.  Schedule regular facials.  Monthly facials deep clean your skin, prevent signs of aging, and improve imperfections.  Commit to following your home care recommendations as well for maximum benefits.

3.  If you’re over 35…..add an anti-aging serum to your routine. The active ingredients in a serum will bring anti-oxidants to the skin and stimulate cell renewal.  Prevention is always easier than repair.
4.  Commit to using sunscreen daily.  Everyday. And reapply as directed.
5.  If you wear foundation…..add a primer.  Primer will provide a smooth canvas for better makeup application.  Applying primer also locks in your serum and moisturizer so they work more effectively.
6.  Always follow directions on your skin care exactly.  Use the recommended amounts…don’t skimp or you will not receive the true benefits of your products.  Leaving a product on longer than instructed does not make it work better.
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